Departure day - Day in Boston

Publiée le 01/05/2023
The time has come to say goodbye. Yep, everything comes to an end eventually. we all cried, but swore to stay in touch. WE WILL !! We went back to boston for some hours, but then it was time to catch our flight..

Picture I sent with Robin in the groupchat
Boston and these massive buildings
loving shopping street in Boston
We flew in the sunset… 🌅
Keeping Cat in the loop.. I already miss her so much

So.. how did that trip enrich me ?

That was the best trip ever. My first time in the USA

I don’t travel a lot, that was the second time i took the plane actually, but I have learned so much. I can feel that my english is much better, but beyond that part, I met amazing people i’ll never forget.

I felt different, more open to people, more authentic, and i’m happy I enjoyed this trip the way I should.

I look forward to do that again, it made me eager of discovery !

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