Visite de LA

Publiée le 24/07/2018
Après une bonne nuit pour récupérer, nous sommes montés sur les hauteurs de LA pour contempler la vue de cette gigantesque ville. Il faisait chaud mais bon il y a de l'air ? après nous sommes allés sur Beverly Hills puis Hollywood, venice et Santa Monica. Il est 20h et nous sommes cuits ?.

Beverly hills
Les étoiles et mon beau chapeau
L'océan pacifique avec des énormes vagues
Même les mouettes sont énormes là bas ?
Venice un endroit calme et magnifique
2 commentaires



Magnifiques photos! Merci.

  • il y a 7 ans


Standing may reduce the risk of heart disease, and the idea that standing is good for heart health was first proposed in 1953. One study found that bus conductors who stood all day had half the risk of heart disease-related deaths compared to their colleagues who sat in the driver's seat. Since then, scientists have gained a better understanding of the impact of sitting on heart health, with sedentary time thought to increase the risk of heart disease by as much as 147 percent. It's so harmful that even an hour of vigorous exercise can't make up for the negative effects of sitting all day. There is no doubt that spending more time on your feet is good for your heart health. It is widely believed that the longer you sit, the greater the risk of heart disease.

  • il y a 2 ans