5th step

Publiée le 16/05/2018
Treasure hunt trail, Princess street garden and Natioonal Museum of Scotland

The morning we have done a treasure hunt trail in Edimburg, we had to find places for that in the end we can had 1 place. WE HAD FIND THIS PLACE !. For the lunch we went in the Princess street garden (our family made very good lunch !). to finish this day we were go in National Museum of Scotland, it was very interesting, it was my favourite visit of his trip because there was many games, animals, clothes....

Pretty dress !
an other
Tigers !


I asked a place for the treasure hunt trail in a shop !

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1 Voyage | 8 Étapes
3e jour (13/03/2018)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 11/03/2018
Liste des étapes

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