Boston day baby

Publiée le 17/04/2023
We spent the whole day in Boston visiting the city with the other French students

We started with a guide who made us visit the old Boston with the brick houses and the Italian town, and then we ate at the Quincy market, which I recommend, I bought crocs and we finished the day by walking around seeing all kind of places during the afternoon, like the old town hall or the meeting houses

If you have the occasion to, try lobster rolls because they may be expensive but they are delicious

1 commentaire


Ohhh I love visiting the remains of cities !!! It reminds me of our trip to Barcelona, ​​we had to visit the city with the ancient walls!! Is there a typical dish or a custom that shocked you or that seems really unusual compared to France . Im curious

  • il y a 2 ans
1 Voyage | 5 Étapes
Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis
4e jour (11/04/2023)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 08/04/2023
Liste des étapes

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