Salem witches and Salem b*tches

Publiée le 17/04/2023
We visited Salem, the famous witch town

Salem is a town near the west coast, which is famous for the witch trials, when a lot of inhabitants of the town were accused of being witches and killed in the 1800s. The town was very pretty, and our guide helped us understand the stories and the context, this town was my favorite for sure ! 

Try to get a guide for yourself if you ever visait Salem, just walking by isn’t enough to understand the full history of the town

1 commentaire


Ohhh you got a history lesson on witches!! I imagine that the atmosphere was impressive! You should have gone there in the middle of the night!! Personally, I love mythical stories and scary legends

  • il y a 2 ans
1 Voyage | 5 Étapes
Salem, Massachusetts, États-Unis
5e jour (12/04/2023)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 08/04/2023
Liste des étapes

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