From Phuket Airport to Phuket Town

Publiée le 18/06/2018
First impressions.

    I had been preparing this trip for months now, and that was it. I was arriving in Phuket - Thailand. The very first city of the very first country I'll see during this trip.

When I arrived in Phuket Airport, I remember the air condition was so strong that it was a bit cold all the way. When the exit doors opens, you finally really understand why... The heat is amazing, even at night and during the rainy season. I was wearing a pant.. 

I actually had to stay there for a while because two of my friends, Matthieu et Cynthia were joining me for a week, to discover South of Thailand with me. Their flight was arriving 2 hours after mine from Singapore.

I just waited inside because it was so much cooler. Making myself busy by checking social networks and Youtube, wandering if I should get change, and so on.

It was around 8 pm when they arrived and we had to go to Phuket Town which is a hour drive from Phuket Airport. As soon as you go through the exit doors, you also understand that getting a taxi or a Tuk-Tuk (local cab) is really easy anytime.

I had read somewhere that in Thailand you can bargain a lot of things and Tuk-Tuk even more than any other things. However, I was in such a good mood that I just decided to enjoy the moment and don't take time to bargain on my first ride in a Tuk-Tuk. The experience will cover it.

We decided to follow the first Tuk-Tuk driver who spoke to us and jumped at the back. Trust me when I say that everyone on earth would find that fun and nice.

The motorbike is pulling a wooden bench with a roof. It's holding on 2 wheels and can hold up to 4 people. They are really colorful, some of them have loud stereo on it. The best thing is that you almost have a 360 degrees view along the way..

When the Tuk-Tuk driver dropped us off in Phuket Town, we decided to head straight to the hostel to drop our bags and get change. It was already way too hot and humid. 

Tips : You can use the app MAPS.ME on your phone, download all the maps you need and then use them offline. It's free, it works on apple and samsung, it's pretty accurate even with small path. It also use a lot of batterie.

Once the bag dropped, a quick shower taken and some confortable clothes on, we decided to explore a bit the city at night. We were not that tired and excited to see what's around. Cynthia had actually suggest we go to Patong Beach, which his the most touristic street in Phuket. There, you'll see a street full of bars, gogos, clubs, and other things like the famous "Ping Pong Show". If you don't know what that is, then just let your imagination work and I'm sure you'll find out.

We laughed for few minutes realizing that between two boys and one girl, that is the girl who suggest that. Even if it's not really surprising from Cynthia, she is a funny girl who love to laugh, so of course you want to laugh too, you know.

If you walk at the middle of the street, you are pretty away from the bars, so you are less caught by the gogos, who will try to make you come in. We all agreed to walk all the way first and then decide where have a drink. We knew it would be a weird moment having a drink where skinny thai girls was dancing with few clothes on so we took the time to find a "correct" one.

When we finally chose one, the music was really loud and the atmosphere weird. We had one drink and we finally decided to leave because we weren't looking for the same thing than all the others customers in. Anyway we had to take a boat the day after to go to the island Koh Lanta, so we went back to the hostel, planning on waking up early to go to the beach in the morning and take the boat at noon.

First night in Thailand - Phuket Town.

Tiger Bar

    Sun was shining around 6 am. I didn't close the curtains on purpose because I like to wake up thanks to the sunlight. I guess everyone does, or maybe not..

Still, I didn't know the light would go trough the window that early. I just waited in bed because Matthieu and Cynthia were probably not awake anyway.

A bit later, we were all awake, bag packed, breakfast eaten and check out done. We went to the street, found a Tuk-Tuk and headed to the beach.

The beach was nice, large with sand so enough space for everyone and some thai guys were asking tourist if they want to be tied at a parachute and then pulled from a boat. That was actually really interesting to see because once the tourist was tied to the parachute, and the boat speeding, the thai guy was always running and then jumping to finally just sit on the ropes of the parachutes. No protection, no ropes, nothing. That's not something you would see here back in France. Neither was Patong Beach actually..

The weather hadn't change from yesterday, so we all went for a swim. Even if the water is really warm as well, it's always feel nice to go for a swim. The waves were pretty strong and the sea really salted, more than what I am used to. But anyway, I wanted to just chill, swimming in the sea, laying down on the beach drinking fruit juices.

Patong Beach (at the end of Patong Beach St)

Time was flying, so we packed our bags, asked a Tuk-Tuk driver how much would it be to go to the pier, bargained for the first time, agreed on a price and went to the pier.

This Tuk-Tuk was actually one of those with the stereo on it. We spent a hour at the back of a Tuk-Tuk playing popular songs like Bruno Mars - Charlie Puth - Kygo. It was a funny moment and it made the way looks so much shorter cause we were laughing with local people in their cars. They were maybe happy to see that we were having fun, or maybe we were looking stupid. I can't really tell.

Arrived at the pier, we do the small queue, get our tickets and got award that the boat will shows up in 2 hours. Well, alright. Let's wait playing cards.

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1 Voyage | 2 Étapes
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Phuket, Thaïlande
1e jour (07/09/2016)
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Début du voyage : 07/09/2016
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