ECOHOMY is an Erasmus project between a French cultural actor - Cie du Théâtre des chemins -, a Bulgarian association active in the field of eco-tourism - BAAT (Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism's) and a partner specialized in the field of training and research on Heritage – CERMOSEM and the university of Grenoble-Alpes. The aim of the project is to demonstrate that mediatisation of Oral Heritage (spoken words, songs, folk tales linked to a « Sense of Place ») by young people can be a new resource for fragile rural mountain areas. One of the main objectives of the project is to formalize in a training module different tools of mediation which will be experienced during the project. Thus, in order to facilitate their transmission to any young European wanting to become a mediator of their own heritage. The project seeks to improve the articulation of four stages necessary for mediation: the surveying and geographical reading of the territories, the work of collecting “words” from the inhabitants, the artistic reinterpretation, the valorization of these new cultural heritage and tourist attractions.