
Publiée le 09/07/2018
What a wonderful country, covered by lakes and woods ! It's not a legend. The weather is with us during all our time in Sweden and we enjoy a swim at least once a day. And to stay overnight, we find beautiful small beaches, lost in the middle of nowhere.

Oresund bridge between Denmark and Sweden : the world's longest bridge of its type.
No doubt, we're in Sweden !
Narrow streets of Gamla Stan, the old town of Stockholm.
So nice to see you again after nearly 20 years ! And thank you for all the tips and hints.
How to use a seat as a boat...
Lost in lake Vänern, the largest lake of Europe.
Daylight is staying longer and longer.
2 commentaires


Très belle tournure ce voyage ! Vivement la suite !

  • il y a 7 ans


Elle est pas belle la vie...quelle chance... beau périple... j'attends la suite

  • il y a 7 ans