From Garden to Salento, Colombia
The bus leaves at 08:00. He's got to take us to Salento, in the coffee room. We must first cross the mountain to Riosucio. At the time of departure, it is a stopover, the traditional Colombian bus that arrives. Open to the 4 winds the bus offers a stunning view in minimal comfort. Here we go for three hours of shaker with a pass 3000 meters. The air is fresh. The trail leads us through the forests and pastures. In the middle of nowhere, a school welcomes the handful of children from isolated farms.
Nous faisons une halte dans un relai. Le temps d'un café bien chaud et de bunuelos, une boule de pâte au fromage frit Nous redescendons dans la vallée au milieux des vergers de tomate de árboles. Le temps d'un changement de bus, plus traditionnel celui ci, avec écran vidéo, et chauffeur qui conduit comme dans les jeux vidéos! Et c'est reparti pour 3 heures jusqu'à Salento, arrivée fin d après midi. Notre hostal est en face de l arrêt de bus à l entrée du village mais bien au calme. On dépose nos bagages dans la chambre, et partons à pied découvrir ce village de montagne:-)
We make a stop in a relay. Time for a hot coffee and bunuelos, a ball of fried cheese dough We go down into the valley in the middle of the tomato orchards of Erboles. Time for a bus change, more traditional this one, with video screen, and driver who drives as in video games! And it's gone for 3 hours until Salento, arriving late afternoon. Our hostal is in front of the bus stop at the entrance to the village but well quiet. We drop off our luggage in the room, and go on foot to discover this mountain village:-)